The purpose of this discussion paper is two-fold, it is to reposition curriculum at the center of the national and the global development dialogue and to highlight its power to give effect to national and to global aspirational statements on the role of education in holistic development. When well designed and effectively enacted, curriculum determines the quality, inclusiveness and development-relevance of education.
Second, is to reconceptualize curriculum as a fundamental force of integration of education systems and as an operational tool for giving effect to policies on lifelong learning. Curriculum leads all core aspects of education that are known to determine quality, inclusion, and relevance such as content, learning, teaching, assessment and the teaching and learning environments among others. Its horizontal and vertical articulation, as well as its articulation across learning settings is what gives effect to lifelong learning policies.
This paper therefore seeks to reposition curriculum as an indispensable tool for giving effect to SDG Goal 4.