70 selected young leaders from over 60 countries to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) gather for the ESD Youth Conference ‘Youth Saves the Planet’.
The conference aims at developing networking, capacity building and communication scheme to facilitate collaboration on a global scale for the planet to be sustainable.
The "Education for Sustainable Development Leadership Training" is a project of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD with the support of Japan. As a follow-up to the UN Decade on ESD (2005-2014), UNESCO launched the GAP on ESD which focuses on generating and scaling up ESD action at all levels and in all areas of education and in all sustainable development sectors.
The GAP has five Action Areas, one of which is dedicated to mobilizing and engaging youth who are recognized as key to the success of the GAP.
The ESD Youth Conference will be organized to bring together 50 ESD youth leaders, selected from the participants of the national and regional workshops, and 20 young journalists with potential to promote ESD and contribute to the discussion. 15 Stakeholders (Implementing GAP partners, a few Okayama Youth who are GAP partners and facilitators) will also participate.
Education for Sustainable Development
Global Action Programme on ESD
Theme page:
Education for Sustainable Development