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II Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean
Date de l’évènement: 
mer, 2018/07/25 - jeu, 2018/07/26
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
Cochabamba, Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

The aim of this meeting is to follow-up on the Buenos Aires Declaration commitments, which were adopted during the I Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean (Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 2017), and in particular, to develop a Roadmap for Latin America and the Caribbean for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) and the Education 2030 Agenda (E2030).


During the meeting, the roadmap proposal will be further discussed. The roadmap was prepared during 2017, and part of 2018, by the region’s Ministries of Education representatives, United Nations agencies, and regional and international multilateral and civil society organizations. The proposed roadmap seeks to provide a shared strategic vision of the region in terms of how to jointly advance in the Education 2030 Agenda regionalization process through the formulation of policy recommendations that can be implemented at the national and regional levels in line with the topics prioritized in the Buenos Aires Declaration.


The meeting will provide an opportunity for Ministers of Education and the regional education community to exchange ideas about the progress made by the region in its efforts to implement the E2030 Agenda and to review experiences, challenges and lessons learned in order to rethink and define innovative approaches of implementing, coordinating, financing and monitoring these efforts.



UNESCO Office in Santiago

Theme page:

Education transforms lives

Partnerships and support

Leading Education 2030

SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee


