UNESCO began the process of updating its Model Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Curriculum during the International Consultative Meeting on MIL Curriculum, on 12-13 September 2019, hosted by the Republic of Serbia. The international consultation was followed by a series of regional consultations that spanned over one year. This event aims to launch the second edition of the UNESCO Model MIL Curriculum for Educators and Learners, again in the Republic of Serbia, where the process started.
UNESCO and its partners are reinforcing sustainable response to people's critical engagement in information for public good and to tackling the rising disinfodemic. Response to the disinfodemic requires a combination of information, media, and digital competencies.
UNESCO issued its Model Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Curriculum in 2011, the only international curriculum to date that harmonises information, media, and digital competencies under the umbrella term of “MIL”. The current edition is highly demanded, exists in twelve languages, and has informed the development of further MIL resources by various partners across the world. Notwithstanding, it is necessary to update this flagship resource ten years after its publication. This is increasingly needed in light of new developments in the digital domain including artificial intelligence, the emergence of new concepts such as digital citizenship education, and the exponential rise in disinformation and online hate speech.
The pioneering Second Edition of the UNESCO Model MIL Curriculum for Educators and Learners will be launched during this dedicated event in the Republic of Serbia. This Second Edition followed a series of global consultations on MIL in all regions of the world, which spanned over one year and began in the Republic of Serbia. This launch will kick start a rejuvenation and strengthening of MIL training in formal, informal and non-formal learning online and offline. This event will be held in the presence of high-level officials.
Stay tuned for more and follow our website for updates about the Online Multimedia MIL Teaching and Learning Resources Tool that will be based on the new MIL Curriculum.
Contact: Alton Grizzle