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Regional workshop- Revisiting Youth Policies and Role within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Arab region
Event Date: 
Thu, 2018/06/21 - Fri, 2018/06/22
Beirut, Lebanon

UNESCO and UNDP are jointly organizing a regional workshop aiming to inform, advance and nurture the youth policy formulation and implementation process in the Arab States region through a critical review of ongoing experiences, taking into account the SDGs (in particular #16) and the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda.


The 2 day atelier aims to target a group of 40-50 youth stakeholders from policy making, research and acitons including UN agencies from the region.


The key expected outcomes include:


  1. Opportunities explored to enhance youth participation in the design and concrete implementation of national Youth Policies as well as in SDGs and YPS Agenda implementation on the regional/national/local levels.

  2. Evidence-informed recommendations for National Youth Policies operationalization, and creative youth-led actions at country level.

  3. Reinforced networking and South-South partnerships among youth policy stakeholders including youth organizations, civil society organizations, aiming at proactive knowledge sharing and possible joint projects.



UNESCO Office in Beirut

UNESCO Programme for Youth

UNESCO and Sustainable Development Goals

Theme page:

Learning to Live Together


Social Transformations

Democracy and Global Citizenship

Intercultural Dialogue

Culture of Peace and Non-violence