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For potential change leaders in the TVET sector in Eastern and Southern Africa to better understand the regional and global development agendas, and...
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The critical importance of education in international responses to climate change was the key message of “Education Day”, held at the UN climate...
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16 November, 2017 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural...
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Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Dominican Republic took part in the study, along with 19 other education systems. Although they did not shine in...
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The main purpose of the initiative "Biosphere reserves as a climate change observatory and sustainable development laboratory in the Arab and African...
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Indigenous girls, adolescents and young women in Totonicapán, Guatemala, will assert their right to education in two UNESCO Malala Centers, which...
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The 2017 World Science Forum brought together more than 1,000 delegates from 120 countries to discuss critical global issues and the potential of...
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The Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week 2017 was the launching pad for a new comprehensive UNESCO study that explores MIL as defense of...
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APCEIU has launched its e-learning platform on Global Citizenship Education ‘GCED Online Campus’ which offers various online courses on GCED to...
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The 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference has today proclaimed the date of May 16th as the International Day of Light.  The proclamation...
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