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  In some societies, children are led to believe that the absence of the rule of law is not just common, but acceptable. Even in countries...
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  “To overcome inequality and injustice, we must widen the lens by acting on all factors that marginalize children and youth and hijack their...
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© Courtesy of Radical Media; Global Citizen
Children living in poverty face many barriers to education, but the stakes are especially high for girls. Globally, there are 130 million girls who...
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Photo: David Atchoarena, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, and Federico Gutiérrez, Mayor of Medellín
Ten cities from around the world received the 2019 UNESCO Learning Cities Award on 30 September in Medellín, Colombia on the eve of the opening of...
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  The Women Deliver 2019 Conference was one step on the march towards a more gender equal world. With more than 8,000 people – including...
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© UIL; City of Medellin
New strategy and fund to support lifelong learning programmes in cities around the world   With the adoption today of the Medellín...
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  To mark World Teachers Day, the UIS has released a new edition of its eAtlas of Teachers, which presents a wide range of data and...
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A lawyer, whose work has supported the efforts of the Kyrgyz Republic in becoming the first country in the world to end statelessness, has been...
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  Professionals from ministries of education and their partners can register for a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on mainstreaming...
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Today, more than half of humanity - 3.5 billion people - live in cities, and 5 billion people are projected to live in urban areas by 2030. Many...
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