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    In order to further promote the experience of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in some advanced countries, UNESCO has...
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© Right to Education
  A group of human rights experts from around the world adopted the Abidjan Principles on the right to education today,...
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Organized by APCEIU, the Consultation Meeting with Concerned Organizations for the 2019 Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education(APTE) was...
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  “The idea of human rights, is that each one of us, no matter who we are or where we were born is entitled to same basic rights or freedom...
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  About 246 million children and adolescents experience school violence and bullying in some form every year, according to the UNESCO...
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    Education is a fundamental human right of every woman, man and child. However, millions are still deprived of educational...
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Participants of Regional School © UNESCO
  The OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities, in cooperation with the National Center for Professional Development “Orleu” of...
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  The GCED Clearinghouse, a global database on GCED, was jointly set up by UNESCO and APCEIU to facilitate information sharing and enhance...
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  Expert’s Meeting on Teaching and Learning Responsible Transformative Engagement was convened by UNESCO HQ, APCEIU, and Ban Ki-Moon Centre...
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  The Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) organizes this meeting as the follow up to...
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