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Educating for a Global Citizenship

The Connecting worlds project is part of Oxfam Intermon’s education program, which aims to boost the implementation of an Education for a Global Citizenship in the classroom.


Global Citizenship is an education perspective that fosters a new model of citizenship actively engaged and committed to making the world a more equitable and sustainable place, promoting respect and appreciation for diversity, defense of the environment, responsible consumption and respect for individual and social human rights.


This education trend is currently part of the World Agenda thanks to the Sustainable Development Goals and, more specifically, outlined in Target 4.7, Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, which touches on the social, humanistic and moral purposes of education.


According to UNESCO we need to …”By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development”.


Following the same line, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) included Global Competence in its metrics for quality, equity and effectiveness in education. This competence aims to assess the individual’s capacity to face global, local and intercultural issues and situations, interacting successfully and respectfully with others and taking responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being.


In order to boost this global competence, Connecting worlds articulates itself within the framework of Education for a Global Citizenship, understanding that a global citizenship consists in individuals who:


  • Are aware of the wider world and the challenges we face in today’s world.
  • Recognise themselves and others as people with dignity, with responsibilities to fulfil and rights that can be claimed, and with the power to bring about change.
  • Take responsibility for their actions, are outraged by injustice and by any form of human rights abuses.
  • Respect and appreciate gender equality, diversity and the multiple identities and sense of belonging of people and communities as a source of human enrichment.
  • Are interested in knowing and critically analyzing and disseminating how the world works at economic, politic, social, cultural, technological and environmental levels.
  • Participate and are committed to the community at a range of levels – from the local to the global – with the aim of making the world a more equitable and sustainable place.
  • Contribute to building an active citizenship that fights against inequality by focusing on the redistribution of power, opportunities and resources.


For further information please visit: Oxfam Intermón


