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  Some 60 Key Partners of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) met in Ha Noi, Vietnam,...
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©Getty Images/hadynyah
  In the rural villages of Maharashtra state in western India where Manisha Gangode lives, girls’ movements are restricted. They are not...
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© ESCAP/Taufan Wijaya
  Unless progress is accelerated, Asia and the Pacific are on course to miss all of the 17 Goals of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...
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© UN Photo/Loey Felipe
  In closing the High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on Friday, President Inga Rhonda King assured participants...
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 ⓒ Kate Holt/The Guardian
Former prime minister of New Zealand Helen Clark condemns complacency as Unesco data shows one in six children won’t be in school by 2030...
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Photo by Anastasia Palagutina on Unsplash
  9 July 2019: The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) released ‘The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2019,’ which finds...
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ⓒKiara Worth/IISD
  15 July 2019: Seven UN Member States reported on progress in implementing the SDGs in their countries, during the 2019 session of the UN...
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Globally, the world is not on track to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), with the risk of leaving hundreds of millions of...
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© Mlondolozi Mbolo/Decent Work Regulation
  11 July 2019: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released its 2019 report on multi-dimensional poverty, which uses ten indicators to...
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  This July, APCEIU is co-organizing and co-sponsoring four UN High-Level Political Forum Side Events on Global Citizenship...
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