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© UNESCO/Sacha Heron
21 November 2023 Last update: 27 November 2023   On 20 November 2023, the 194 UNESCO Member States adopted the Recommendation on Education...
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5 December 2023   For the first time following the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 200 participants convened face-to-face to explore the...
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27 November 2023   The fourth webinar, organized by UNESCO's Business Council on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics, was held on September...
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28 November 2023   By 2100, it is predicted that half of the world's spoken languages will either vanish or be on the brink of extinction...
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28 November 2023(Last update: 29 November 2023)   The biggest convening of youth in The Gambia occurred this week at the third annual...
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27 October 2023   Mozambique has faced challenges in providing basic education to both young people and adults and until recently, adult...
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22 October 2023 (Last update: 23 October 2023)   Gender disparities persist in Bangladeshi media, hindering women's safety & inclusion...
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23 October 2023 (Last update: 22 November 2023)   In celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child on 11 October, renowned...
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    16 October 2023   by Damion Morgan/ Social Emotional Learning Specialist, Windsor Public Schools   Before-...
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