From a lifelong-learning perspective, education should flow seamlessly from cradle to grave. The transition from early childhood education all the way to post-secondary and through non-formal education should support learning at all stages.
The image of professors and students sitting in their ivory towers detached from the ‘real’ world is no longer valid in the 21st century, as universities are reaching out to schools and communities to improve the quality of education and make it more relevant.
The 2019 Wenhui Award, Promoting University and School Partnerships in Advancing the Education 2030 Agenda, recognized successful university-school partnerships that have contributed to quality education and lifelong learning in preparing children and youth for life, work and global citizenship.
The Wenhui Award organizers and Jury Members would like to commend all applicants for their contributions to meet this goal. Seven applications were shortlisted for the Wenhui Award this year, with two winners and two honourable commendations. Congratulations to all!
Shortlisted applications
Honourable Commendations