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Preschool teacher and child in Senegal © UNICEF/ Julie Pudlowski   UNESCO Dakar and partners across 48 countries in Sub-Saharan...
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“Trust in governments, politicians and in all major institutions including schools, doctors and hospitals, is in question. And in that context social...
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The global COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented levels of disruption to education, impacting over 90% of the world’s student population: 1.54...
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Children and adolescents are less likely to get severe disease from COVID-19 according to the latest evidence, however severe cases and death can...
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Help us shape the “Youth As Researchers – COVID19” Project, a new global youth-led research initiative that seeks to answer questions like these....
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© Bridge 47
By ECPM(Ensemble contre la peine de mort) and Marek Kakaščík   "The issue of the death penalty is a formidable gateway to discuss...
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PAK Soon-Yong (Professor, Department of Education, Yonsei University)   With the World Health Organization's official declaration of...
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Professor Fethi Mansouri, UNESCO Chairholder for Cultural Diversity and Social Justice at Deakin University, Melbourne (Australia) and UNITWIN...
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Responding to on-going protests that have spawned violence on all sides across dozens of US cities, the UN Spokesperson on Monday reiterated...
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© Equitas
Our 2017-2020 initiative: Rawabet – Techonological Bridges for Citizen Engagement    Rawabet means “Connections” in  Arabic...
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