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What Do You Need? - Teachers' Needs Survey
Date de l’évènement: 
mar, 2021/06/01 - mar, 2021/11/30
Lieu(ou Endroit): 

Dear teachers,


To say that the past year and a half has been challenging would be quite an understatement. We recognise the immense effort, flexibility, and dedication it took for you to continue to teach and shape the future generations, while at the same time trying to navigate unprecedented circumstances. We know a lot has been asked of you, so we have a slightly different question: what do you need?


The "Teaching & Learning during COVID-19 –“What Do You Need?" Leadership in Action project is a part of the 4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit programme and focuses on the topic of empathy-based quality education and students', teachers', and parents' needs and well-being.


The aim of this survey is to hear directly from teachers living and working in ASEM countries about their experiences and needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to gain a better understanding of the types of support that they think need to be provided in the future to ensure a higher quality of the education process for everyone.


We would be very grateful if you would take the time to let us know your thoughts in the survey (the survey should take appx. 20 minutes to fill out) and circulate the survey through your teacher networks. The results of the survey will be available in the form of a report later this year.


Should you want to know more about this study, please feel free to reach out to us at sdgfourwhatdoyouneed@gmail.com.


