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The Great Big Lesson for Climate and Nature: Live from COP26
Date de l’évènement: 
ven, 2021/11/05
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
 © AimHi Earth

A huge and interactive online lesson, broadcast live from the climate summit, for secondary schools, sixth forms and colleges across the UK.


About this event


This November, as world leaders gather in Glasgow for the COP26 climate conference, students, teachers and school administrators are invited to join us online for the Great Big Lesson for Climate and Nature: Live from COP26


The Great Big Lesson for Climate & Nature is brought to you by AimHi Earth, Nature4Climate, World’s Largest Lesson & YOUTHTOPIA with support from Cambridge Zero and the Eden Project. 


Our lesson turns COP26 into a classroom for everyone – turning learning into action by equipping audiences not only with knowledge but the ability to communicate about and act upon the climate and nature crisis.


It is the easiest and most inspiring way for school communities to understand and feel part of this crucial global gathering. 


We guarantee that everyone will learn something new and do something different as a result.


And if you don’t know us: AimHi Earth is the education-to-actionhub on a mission to transform global understanding of climate and nature.


Who is it for?


This interactive lesson is free and available for all students aged 11+, their teachers and their wider school community. 


This is an opportunity for schools and their students to learn together and get involved in the global conversation at COP26.


How can I join?


The lesson will be broadcast live on YouTube at 9am on Friday 5th November


Lesson Structure:


9:00 - 9:45am (GMT) - 45-minute live and interactive online lesson led by AimHi Earth and YOUTHTOPIA’s Circle of Youth - join and engage with your class! 

9:45-10:00am (GMT) - 15-minute Q&A session - Use this time to ask any student questions for our climate experts. 


What will you get?


  • An understanding of the key climate concepts with a focus on nature at the centre of it all
  • A dynamic and interactive exploration of topics ranging from the future of food to the universe of soil
  • The ability to put nature first, be Nature Positive and always ask the question, “Yes, but what’s the impact on nature?”
  • Tools for communicating effectively with others about the climate and nature crisis and confidence to weave key ideas and solutions into any lesson, regardless of subject area
  • A comprehensive resource pack with lesson notes, reference lists and classroom activities 
  • Perspectives from other young people from around the world who are taking positive action in the face of the climate and nature crisis. 


