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Educating against antisemitism, intolerance and discrimination in Greece: UNESCO-led workshop
Date de l’évènement: 
lun, 2023/12/04 - mar, 2023/12/05

4 December 2023 - 


This training will bring together teachers from across Greece willing to learn more about how to recognise, prevent and address antisemitism through education


Educating against antisemitism, intolerance and discrimination in Greece: essential elements for teacher training

Location: Athens, Greece

Rooms: Athens, Greece

Type: Cat VII – Seminar and training

Arrangement type: In-Person

Contact: Heather Mann


Reports show that 44% of young Jewish Europeans are experiencing antisemitic harassment, while every second European considers antisemitism a problem. A continuous global challenge, antisemitism is threatening Jewish individuals and communities, as well as the very fabric of democracy and the security of societies. How can we create a safe and inclusive environment in schools and enhance students' resilience against antisemitism?


UNESCO continues its series of teacher training programs and tailored workshops in EU member states within its 2-year project, funded by the European Union, to strengthen their education systems against antisemitism. The next workshop will take place in Athens, Greece, on 4-5 December 2023. It will be organised in collaboration with the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.


Bringing together teachers from across Greece, the event will explore what educators need to know about the problem and change in their teaching approaches to effectively address the issue in and through education.


This event will touch upon the following questions:

  • What is antisemitism, how does it manifest, what is its danger, and why does it need to be addressed through education?
  • How do stereotypes, prejudice and conspiracy theories form and function? 
  • What does an effective response to incidents of antisemitism in classrooms and educational environments look like and what are the responsibilities of schools and teachers?
  • What teachers need to do to boost learners' critical competencies and resilience to conspiracy theories? How can school programmes to prevent and counter prejudice, hate speech and antisemitism benefit from integrating digital media? 
  • How to recognise and counter Holocaust denial and distortion?
  • What is the role of Holocaust education and learning about Jewish culture and heritage in countering antisemitism?

After the training, UNESCO will continue its cooperation with the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports to follow up on the results of the workshop as part of the EU's Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life.

The training program will take place in Greek and English (with simultaneous interpretation)

