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MOST Programme Meeting on "A pathway to enhancing climate finance through youth and education" related to the One Planet Summit 2017
Date de l’évènement: 
lun, 2017/12/11
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
Paris, France

The Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Programme of UNESCO is organizing a meeting to provide opportunities for young change-makers to present concrete solutions, actions and experiences that relate to the One Planet Summit 2017 (Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 12 December 2017). The MOST meeting, an official side-event of the One Planet Summit, will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Room VII, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, on Monday 11 December 2017.


The One Planet Summit has three core objectives, namely taking tangible collective action, being innovative and supporting one another. To do that, the summit advocates for scaled-up and greener finance, local and regional action and a push for ecological and inclusive public framework.


The goal of the MOST meeting is to provide youth a chance to present concrete solutions, actions and experiences. UNESCO wants to help the young change-makers keep their momentum going through adding a youth component to the One Planet Summit, strengthening and promoting all its components: climate change education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information.


UNESCO supports young change-makers to stand for a recognition of their work at the individual, national and international levels, by inclusion and access to finance.


UNESCO aims to help the young change-makers call on Parties and stakeholders to develop two main approaches to boost the implementation of the Paris Agreement and reach the SDGs:


(1) A clear emphasis on education and empowerment to enhance and accelerate the ecological transition.

(2) Scaling finance is crucial to better fit local and regional project needs and increase local community and youth involvement in the fight against climate change.


Draft programme


>> John Crowley, Chief of Section, Research, Policy and Foresight, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO
- Stakes of the event
- Concept of the innovative format


1. Education

a. Introduction: The centrality of education in tackling climate change and implementing the Paris Agreement and SDGs
>> Henri Landes from GoodPlanet, Education coalition of Climate Chance, GERES and Climate solidarity

>> Julia Heiss, Education for Sustainable Development Team Leader, Education Sector, UNESCO


b. Youth current efforts regarding education on climate change
>> CiMC, REFEDD, Vloger, Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD), Care About Climate, China Youth Climate Action Network, Online Youth Exchange


c. How to better integrate and support youth in institutional frameworks?
>> ECOS, Young delegates of France & Netherlands


2. Finance
a. Introduction: Stakes of finance designed and adapted to the scales of local projects and current shortcomings
>> Magnus Magnusson, Director of Partnership and Outreach, UNESCO


b. Showcase of innovative youth-led projects tackling climate change and their difficulties to reach for finance in the current system
>> Call on YOUNGO + CliMates Network especially in Nepal, Africa and Latin America: Arab Youth Climate Movement-Lebanon, Keep it in the Ground for Peace, Recelyclerie, Youth-led brands (Lamazuna, Les tendances d’Emma, Trezzmovement…), Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN Ethiopia), Saffran, Recyclerie


c. What solutions to concretely allow youth to
access finance and be integrated in the design and decision of big climate financed projects?
>> Blockchain, Green Climate Fund, Carbon Market Watch, Oil Change International, microcredit, cooperative banks (la nef + le credit coopératif) International Development Finance Club, Action LAC Fondacion Avena


Closing words
>> John Crowley, UNESCO

