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Understanding Human Rights
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
Sydney | 2010 | 23 p.
Publié sous la direction de: 
Australian Human Rights Commission
Asie et Pacifique

Human rights are basic to humanity. They apply to all people everywhere. An understanding of human rights is an important part of our individual status as human beings and of our collective status as members of the global community of humankind.
To understand how human rights affect us in our daily lives and to acknowledge our responsibilities in recognising the need to balance those rights with the rights of others, we require an understanding of what human rights are.
So what are human rights? Where did they come from? How do they impact on humanity? How do they affect me?

Type de ressource: 
Programmes d'études, matériel d'enseignement et d'apprentissage et guides
Instruction civique / citoyenneté / démocratie
Droits de l'homme
Niveau d'éducation: 
Enseignement primaire
Enseignement secondaire