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NEQMAP Capacity Development Workshop on Promoting Transversal Competencies across curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
Date de l’évènement: 
lun, 2019/09/16 - jeu, 2019/09/19
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
Manila, Philippines



Transversal competencies, or 21st century skills, focus on skills go beyond literacy, numeracy and the accumulation of knowledge. They include competencies such as critical thinking, collaboration, self-discipline and respect for diversity and facilitate the holistic development of our young learners. There is a growing interest and emphasis on transversal competencies among the countries in the region and this workshop aims to help them embed these skills and competencies across all aspects of education.


The workshop is designed to achieve the following learning outcomes for participants:

  • Understanding the nature of TVC for policy alignment
  • Understanding nature of TVC for classroom practice and assessment
  • Coherent integration of TVC within education delivery.


The workshop is being organized by the Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP) Secretariat at UNESCO Bangkok, in collaboration with Global Resources for Assessment Curriculum and Evaluation (GRACE), the Bureau of Educational Assessment of the Department of Education (DepEd-BEA) Philippines, Brookings Institution and with the generous support of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).


When: 16-19 September 2019


Where: Manila, Philippines


Who: Participants will be invited from among NEQMAP members as a priority, or those nominated/ recommended by a NEQMAP member. In principle, participants should represent the following categories:

  • Ministry of Education officials responsible for a) pedagogy/teacher education, b) curricula development, and c) learning assessments
  • Educators/Trainers at teacher training institutions
  • National education research institutions/Private research institutes and think-tanks
  • Non-governmental organizations/Civil society organizations


Application Submission Deadline: 15 July 2019


