When, local time: Tuesday, 20 August 2019 (All day) to Wednesday, 21 August 2019 (All day)
Where: Panama, Ciudad de Panamá
Type of Event: Category 7-Seminar and Workshop
Contact: a.hollander@unesco.org
The two-day regional forum “Challenges and opportunities for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Central America” aims at positioning TVET as a key factor in the region to help to the socio-economic insertion of migrants and refugees. The first phase consists of selected presentations on the matter and the second one with thematic panels to define recommendations.
The regional forum aims at bringing together in Panama City stakeholders involved in TVET and Migration to make presentations on:
Some of the topics: TVET; Migration in Central America; Recognition of studies, diplomas, skills; Lifelong learning; Agenda 2030; SDO 4; Education for Sustainable Development; Centro American Education Policy; Integral Development Plan El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras of CEPAL; Socio-professional insertion and reinsertion.
The forum’s specific objectives are: