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Call for papers: Conference on Forced Displacement
Date de l’évènement: 
ven, 2020/01/17 - sam, 2020/01/18
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
UN City, Copenhagen, Denmark

EPoD(Evidence for Policy Design) Havard University will cohost a conference on forced displacement in UN City, Copenhagen, January 17-18, 2020. 

In 2018 the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally-displaced people reached its highest level since the creation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) after the Second World War. In recent years, the World Bank Group (WBG) and UNHCR have significantly stepped up the scale and scope of their joint initiatives on forced displacement. On the data side, these two organizations have recently established the Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement (JDC) in Copenhagen, Denmark, thanks to a generous contribution from the Danish government. Part of the JDC mandate is to stimulate further interest and research around data on forcibly displaced populations.


Recognizing the need for robust evidence to inform policy decisions and program and project design, the JDC is partnering with the Population Studies and Training Center at Brown University and the Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) and Middle East Initiative (MEI) at Harvard University to organize an international research conference on forced displacement to be held January 17-18, 2020 at the U.N. City in Copenhagen, Denmark. The goals of the conference are to focus attention on emerging scholarship and establish links between researchers and data providers to promote new work on this important topic.


Papers presented at the conference will be eligible for consideration for a special issue on Forced Displacement in The Journal of Development Economics. Details of the submission process will be provided at the conference. Presenters are not required to submit conference papers to this special issue.


To be considered for inclusion on the program, completed papers or extended abstracts should be submitted to JDC2020conference@worldbank.org by September 1, 2019 midnight EST. Please put "Submission" in the Subject Box. Authors chosen to present papers will be notified by October 1, 2019. Economy air travel and hotel will be covered for one presenter for each paper.


A small number of additional invitations to the conference will be extended to researchers active in this area. Please inquire at JDC2020conference@worldbank.org using the word "Invitation" in the Subject Box. Scholars from low-income countries or countries particularly affected by forced displacement are encouraged to apply. Questions about the conference may be addressed to JDC2020conference@worldbank.org using word "Question" in the Subject Box.


Download a PDF of the Call for Papers here.



