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Whose Voice is it Anyway? Active Participation for a Better World
Date de l’évènement: 
jeu, 2020/06/11
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
© Bridge 47

Explore new ways to engage and inspire learners with the confidence, values and skills needed to bring about transformational learning.


‘Whose Voice is it Anyway? Active Participation for a Better World’ is a half-day online event for educational practitioners from across Scotland.


How can we engage learners in meaningful, relevant and effective activity that builds their confidence and encourages active participation? Join us as we explore creative and transformative approaches to learning, helping you to bring Learning for Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals to life in your own educational settings.


Building on a highly successful series of annual events exploring the interconnected themes of Learning for Sustainability, this online event offers a timely and collaborative opportunity for educational practitioners from all sectors to come together. It will provide an opportunity for you to engage in interactive workshops facilitated by expert speakers. The sessions on offer will focus on a variety of Learning for Sustainability themes and methodologies; including storytelling, outdoor learning, climate action, rights-based learning, STEM, global perspectives and learner voice.


This online event is open to practitioners across Scotland and across the early years, primary, secondary, additional support needs, youth and community sectors. Although the event aims to support practitioners across all educational settings, some workshops may better suit certain contexts.


Please visit the Eventbrite page for more details.


This event is organised in collaboration with City of Edinburgh Council, Learning for Sustainability Scotland, and Scotdec.


