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The Program of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on Countering Extremism and Terrorism for 2017-2022
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
Bishkek | 2017 | 13 p.
Publié sous la direction de: 
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Asie et Pacifique

The document contains the main provisions of the program of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on countering extremism and terrorism for 2017-2022.
The program provides a set of measures to ensure effective countering the threats of extremism and terrorism, rigorous observance of human rights and freedoms, the rule of law and others constitutional principles of the Kyrgyz Republic. Purpose of this program is changing the current situation in the field countering extremism and preventing terrorism.
Successful implementation of the program depends on coherence government bodies, organizations and institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic to counter extremism and terrorism.


Type de ressource: 
Instruments normatifs internationaux / documents politiques et de plaidoyer
Instruction civique / citoyenneté / démocratie
Droits de l'homme
Paix / culture de la paix
Prévention de l'extrémisme violent / du génocide
Niveau d'éducation: 
violent extremism
culture of peace