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Online workshop on Citizenship Education Competences for a Fairer Europe
Date de l’évènement: 
ven, 2020/09/25
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
© Bridge 47

Join us for an interactive and reflective discussion on the skills and competencies entailed in global citizenship education.


The workshop, Citizenship Education Competences for a Fairer Europe: Empowering People to Shape the Future, will use a co-created policy document, the Envision 4.7 Roadmap, to discuss practical processes for effecting change. It will draw on global insights to explore the values that underpin active citizenship and what the implications and applications are for a fairer, more sustainable, future in Europe, particularly in the post COVID-19 era.


This event is hosted by Bridge 47, a global network of individuals and organisations, interested in collaborating on the topic of global citizenship education with the aim of achieving the transformative education outlined in Sustainable Development Goal Target 4.7.


You can register for the workshop at https://lcem.lab-concepts.de/registration/nece-campus-citizenship-education-competencies/en.


The NECE Network CAMPUS 2020 creates new digital spaces for educators, experts in citizenship education, civil society actors and others. Be it online seminars, panel discussions, lectures, training sessions or bar camps – the #NECEcampus uses the possibilities of the virtual space to discuss visions, values and practices for an educational and civic engagement in a post-pandemic world and to create a community for the #NECE2020 Conference in Berlin, November 5-7 2020. You can learn more about it at www.nece-conference.eu/nece-campus.


If you have any questions, please forward them to Natalia Kouhartsiouk at natalia.kouhartsiouk@bridge47.org and/or Eleanor Dillon at eleanor.dillon@bridge47.org.


