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Sustainability: Gender Equality
Location of production | Year of production | Running time: 
الجيزة | 2019 | 9:08 (9min 8sec)
Publié sous la direction de: 
CSR Egypt
États Arabes

This video deals with the concept of the fifth goal of the sustainable development goals (gender equality) and that women have a fundamental role to achieve the goals of sustainable development, and that is why they must be given the opportunity and support to obtain all their rights and effective participation in the advancement of Arab societies.


Type de ressource: 
Programmes d'études, matériel d'enseignement et d'apprentissage et guides
Matériel multimédia
Mondialisation et justice sociale / compréhension internationale
Diversité / alphabétisation culturelle / inclusive
Développement durable / durabilité
Niveau d'éducation: 
gender equality
Women empowerment