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Global Gender Gap Report 2021: Insight Report, March 2021
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
Geneva | 2021 | 404 p.
Publié sous la direction de: 
World Economic Forum

The report is a measure of gender gap on four parameters: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. The index has benchmarked 156 nations across the globe in 2021. The data show that it will take 135.6 years to bridge the gender gap worldwide and the pandemic has impacted women more severely than men. The gap is the widest on the political empowerment dimension with economic participation and opportunity being next in line. However, the gap on educational attainment and health and survival has been practically bridged.


Type de ressource: 
Documents de recherche / articles de journaux
Mondialisation et justice sociale / compréhension internationale
Diversité / alphabétisation culturelle / inclusive
Niveau d'éducation: 
Éducation et protection de la petite enfance (EPPE)
Enseignement primaire
Enseignement secondaire
Enseignement supérieur
gender equality
educational statistics
Gender gaps