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A Post-GAP (Global Action Programme for ESD) Position Paper
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Paris | 2018 | 12 p.
Corporate author: 

The 5-year cycle of the GAP is due to end in 2019. To build a post-GAP position, this draft position paper has been prepared. Once revised through the consultation processes planned in 2018, the final draft will be submitted in 2019 to the Governing Bodies of UNESCO and the UN for their respective approval processes. Once the position is approved, it will be summarised into a post-GAP programme and launched in 2020 for implementation onwards to 2030.

Resource Type: 
Conference and programme reports
Sustainable development / sustainability
Level of education: 
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Lifelong learning
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Non-formal education