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Сharacterizing the Formation and Development of Open Education in Kazakhstan (The Scientific Heritage; no. 66)
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Budapest | 2021 | p. 45-50
ISSN 9215-0365
N. Adelbaeva; N. Guseva; S. Suleymenova
Asia and the Pacific
Europe and North America
© Адельбаева Н.А., Гусева Н.А., Сулейменова С. 2021

Kazakhstan, being a part of the world educational space, takes into account those trends that are dictated by changes related to informatization and intensification of education, which is based on the modernization of the traditional system. This predetermined the conduct of research in the field of modernization of the higher education, which became the subject of theoretical analysis and practical implementation in this article. The formation and development of a non-traditional education system in Kazakhstan is based on the principles of student-centered education and innovative teaching technologies, which are not unambiguously perceived by both the pedagogical and the Kazakh public. Naturally, on the one hand, the very history of the development and formation of distance and open education, and on the other hand, modern information technologies of teaching become a prerequisite for the improvement and development of the entire education system.


Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Level of education: 
Higher education