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Citizenship in the Digital Age: The Model of the Kingdom of Bahrain
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Manama | 2017 | 179 p.
ISBN 978-99958-54-41-6
Nada Shams
Corporate author: 
Bahrain Institute for Political Development
Arab States

The research answers the following main question: What is the effectiveness of a proposed program based on the global network for developing citizenship values ​​for students of the University of Bahrain in light of the requirements of the digital age? The main question of the research is divided into the following sub-questions: 1- What is the list of citizenship values ​​required for a student at the University of Bahrain in light of the requirements of the digital age? 2- What is the image of the proposed program based on the global network (with dialogue activities - without the dialogue activities) to develop citizenship values ​​for students of the University of Bahrain in light of the requirements of the digital age? 3 - What is the effectiveness of the proposed program based on the global network in its two forms (with dialogue activities - without the dialogue activities) to develop Citizenship values ​​for a University of Bahrain student in light of the requirements of the digital age?


Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Media & information literacy / digital citizenship
Level of education: 
Higher education
Digital citizenship