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EIU Best Practices 2021: Strengthening Global Citizenship Skills; The Project GLACE Experience, A Case from Philippines (EIU Best Practices Series; no.58)
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Seoul | 2021 | ix, 32 p.
ISBN 979-11-87819-50-9
Marco Meduranda
Corporate author: 
Asia and the Pacific

This monograph is one of APCEIU's EIU Best Practices Series, which aims to encourage educators, scholars, and activists to implement and share local initiatives on EIU. The Series No.58 introduces ‘Project GLACE’ or ‘Global Learning through Active Citizenship Education’. It is an after-school enhancement program that sought to enhance students' global citizenship skills through afterschool learning sessions, off-campus intercultural education experiences, and service-learning or community outreach activities. Using the 4-I's (Inquire, Investigate, Innovate and Impact), selected teachers taught global citizenship education concepts for a span of 12 - 15 weeks with the first six to ten weeks exploring the themes of social justice and equity, identity and diversity, self-awareness and reflection, concern for the environment, commitment to sustainable development, and commitment to participation and inclusion.


Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Sustainable development / sustainability
Level of education: 
Primary education
Secondary education