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Global Citizenship Education Policy and Recommendations Report: Reflections and proposals for the SICA region
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
[San José] | [2021] | 48 p.
Daniel Abreu
Corporate author: 
Central America Coordination Bureau for Education and Culture (CECC/SICA)
Latin America and the Caribbean
© CECC/SICA 2021

The CECC/SICA Council of Ministers has proposed to the Ministries of Education, in the Contingency Plan for the SICA region, to prioritize some approaches and curriculum content. One area of particular relevance is education for the exercise of citizenship, a dimension especially challenged in these times when citizens have seen their principles, values and daily practices critically demanded by the special circumstances of living together in society.

The Report explains how Global Citizenship Education is implemented in SICA countries and provides recommendations for strengthening it in different as- pects of policy and teaching practice.


Resource Type: 
International normative instruments / policy and advocacy documents
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Sustainable development / sustainability
Level of education: 
Primary education
Secondary education