This National Report on Global Education in Austria is part of the European Global Education Peer Review Process, which was initiated in 2002 with the purpose of increasing and improving global education in Council of Europe member states. This report is the culmination of a peer review process led by an international peer review team. Through research and interviews with key stakeholders, information was gathered and critical perspectives developed about the current state of, and the future prospects for, global education in Austria. This year–long process, facilitated by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, was developed in partnership with the Austrian Strategy Group for Global Education as the national counterpart in the process. It involved the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), KommEnt, and the NGO and academic communities.
This Peer Review report recognises the relatively strong tradition of global education in Austria. Austrian support for GE is reflected in the range of committed organisations involved in GE, and the many initiatives and projects in the formal and non-formal education sectors, and in civil society. Chapter 1 below provides an introduction to the report and the process generally. Chapter 2 outlines the context of global education in Austria. Chapter 3 examines global education in the formal education sector. Chapter 4 focuses on the important and varied work taking place in non-formal education, civil society organisations and other sectors in this field. Chapter 5 provides, in summary fashion, an outline of the key observations and recommendations of the Peer Review.