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Global Education Guidelines 2019: Concepts and Methodologies on Global Education for Educators and Policy Makers
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Lisbon | 2019 | 152 p.
Corporate author: 
North-South Centre of the Council of Europe; Council of Europe
© Council of Europe, 2019

The Global Education Guidelines are an initiative of the Global Education Programme of the North South Centre of the Council of Europe, and answer a need expressed by the North-South Centre’s (NSC) network of global education practitioners – the Global Education network - to have a common tool, built on experience gained by the network and other partners, to support educators to comprehend and successfully design, implement and carry out global education initiatives and learning activities.


This updated edition of the Guidelines includes novelties and responds to the challenge of being a user-friendly handbook, by (i) introducing the concept of competence-based learning, with the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and the OECD concept of global competences, and explains in detail and with practical examples and user friendly tools how global education can make use of competence-based learning to empower learners; (ii) has broadened the content of the chapter on methodology and methods, with step by step guides for the daily work of practitioners, educators and facilitators, and further exemplifying the competence-based learning concept; and (iii) by including a new chapter on media literacy to support practitioners and learners to navigate today’s communication and digital challenges.



Resource Type: 
Curriculum, teaching-learning materials and guides
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Media & information literacy / digital citizenship
Diversity / cultural literacy / inclusive
Human rights
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Peace / Culture of peace
Sustainable development / sustainability
Transformative initiatives / Transformative pedagogies
Level of education: 
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale