This study aimed at identifying the levels of roles played by Jordanian faculty members in promoting citizenship values from the students' perspective. The Study also aimed at identifying differences in the levels of roles played in relationship to the following variables: gender, university type, faculty, and level of study…The researcher developed a 48 item questionnaire whose reliability and validity were tested. The study sample consisted of 928 female and male students who were randomly selected from different Jordanian universities. The study results showed that the level of role played by Jordanian faculty members in promoting citizenship values was moderate in general and in all aspects. In addition, the study found statistically significant differences associated with the measured variables in favor of females (gender), private universities (university type), humanities majors (faculty), first year students (study level)... the researcher presented a set of recommendations; one of the main recommendations is that the university administration should pay more attention to the subject of citizenship values and should ask faculty members to play a bigger role in addressing these values and promoting them among students in addition to integrating citizenship education into university curricula.