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Sub-Regional Study on Transforming TVET in Ensuring Learning and Skills to Support School-to Work Transitions in Southeast Asian Countries
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Jakarta | 2023 | 82 p.
Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja; Hary Febriansyah; Yorga Permana; Lala Nurfitria; Farenza Fadil
Corporate author: 
UNESCO Jakarta
Asia and the Pacific

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and the transition from school to work are critical for young individuals to be prepared for entering the job market. The school-to-work transition signifies the transition from education to professional work and involves stages such as finding a job, applying theoretical knowledge and adapting to work expectations. In line with SDG-4, there is a need to improve the relevance of TVET systems, equipping individuals with the necessary skills for employment, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning. Three strategic priorities include promoting lifelong learning opportunities, fostering skills for an inclusive and sustainable economy, and ensuring inclusive and resilient communities.


UNESCO supports Member States to address current and future challenges in the field of TVET, including the transition from school to work. Recognising the significant role of TVET in achieving SDG-4, UNESCO works closely with countries like Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste to enhance the relevance and effectiveness of their TVET systems. These countries have demonstrated a strong commitment to improving the quality of education and equipping individuals with the necessary skills for employment, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning.


In the discussion of innovations and trends in TVET systems, there is a need to respond to rapidly changing labour markets through leveraging labour market data, tracer studies, and employer insights, expanding work-based learning to support the transition from school to work, modernising TVET curricula with new skills and competencies, strengthening TVET through private sector and community engagement. TVET is important for the transition from school to work in the sub-region of Southeast Asia, in line with SDG-4. Standardised practices are needed for better employability and mobility. Challenges include labour market mismatches and negative perceptions, but there are opportunities to partner with industry, update curricula, promote inclusivity and gender equality, and adapt to changing labour markets. Using labour market data, expanding work-based learning, and engaging the private sector and local communities are critical. TVET can transform individuals and contribute to sustainable development in the subregion of South-East Asia, creating prosperous and inclusive societies.

Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Sustainable development / sustainability
Transformative initiatives / Transformative pedagogies
Level of education: 
Lifelong learning
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Transition from school to work
educational policy