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Teaching Media Literacy in Europe: Evidence of Effective School Practices in Primary and Secondary Education; Analytical Report
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Luxembourg | 2018 | 88 p.
ISBN 978-92-79-91294-8
Julian McDougall; Marketa Zezulkova; Barry van Driel; Dalibor Sternadel
Corporate author: 
NESET II; European Union
Europe and North America
© European Union, 2018

This report is aimed at policymakers, practitioners and researchers in the fields of school education, media and digital policies. It reviews relevant European and international research to better understand how teaching and learning practices can support students’ media literacy in primary and secondary education. It also aims to understand how media literacy education in schools can help address the challenges related to the spread of disinformation and ‘fake news’.


Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Media & information literacy / digital citizenship
Level of education: 
Primary education
Secondary education