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  A region of renowned civilizations and contribution to humanity, the Arab region has become one of paradoxes in recent times: Young, highly...
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  Within the framework of Iraq’s National Development Strategy (2018-2022), Iraq’s Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (...
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  Since 2006, EIU/GCED Best Practices have encouraged and supported educators, scholars and activists by sharing specific exemplars and...
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  My name is Victoria. I come from Nigeria and grew up Lagos State with three siblings. Ever since I remember myself in education, I felt...
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  "Getting an education has enabled me to live a better life and help my community. I hope to take this idea to different rural remote parts...
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  New data published today by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) on the world’s out-of-school children reveals little or no progress...
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  UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development at Koç University organized a Summer Academy on ‘Women’s Empowerment for...
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  On Friday 9 August 2019, UNESCO observed International Youth Day (IYD) in New Delhi on the theme ‘Transforming Education’. The event served...
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13 September 2018 Bishkek – The Regional Dialogue devoted to mapping the research in the area of Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism in Central...
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  A project set up in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011, which destroyed large parts of the Tohoku region of...
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