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The Opening of the Pre-Conference Webinar for the 5th International Conference on GCED
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) will hold a Pre-Conference Webinar for the 5th International Conference on Global Citizenship Education(IConGCED) for starting from 7pm (Seoul, GMT+9) on Wednesday, 23 September 2020.
Since 2016, APCEIU has held an IConGCED every year, and last year, more than 600 participants from 65 countries around the world attended. This is the 5th year of hosting the IConGCED and the event will be held using an online platform in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the main event scheduled to be held on 3 ? 5 November, a Pre-Conference Webinar will take place on 23 September to lay the groundwork for key agendas that will be discussed at the main virtual conference.
The theme of the Pre-conference Webinar is ‘Challenges and Roles of GCED in Times of Pandemic’. The main goal is to examine the role of GCED in the pandemic era and reactivate global solidarity. Moreover, the latest knowledge, experience, and information to tackle the current pandemic crisis, such as transformative learning methods, will be shared during the webinar.
This webinar, which will begin with a keynote presentation by Ilan Kelman, Professor of Disaster and Health at the University of London, consists of a panel discussion on the experiences and visions of the educators, professors, youth, and civil society practitioners who are leading GCED.  

Pre-Conference Webinar

(Wednesday, 23 September 2020)


Challenges and Roles of GCED in Times of Pandemic


Programme Details


(10 mins)

(Seoul, GMT+9)


  •       LIM Hyun Mook (Director of Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU))


(15 mins)


  •       Ilan KELMAN (Professor of Disasters and Health, University College London)


(90 mins)

[Panel Discussion]

  • What are key issues and problems currently facing the global community in this pandemic crisis, which can be seen as “multiple pandemics”? What are those particular issues and problems that GCED has to address and act upon?
  • What roles GCED should play in overcoming such problems, and how can GCED deliver them effectively?


  •        Bert TUGA (President, Philippine Normal University)
  •        Dylan WRAY (Executive Director, Shikaya, Republic of South Africa)
  •        Rilli LAPPALAINEN (Chair of Steering Group, Bridge 47)
  •          Lester RUIZ (Director of Accreditation and Global Engagement, ATS, USA)
  •        Akpezi OGBUIGWE (Founder, Anpez Center for Environment and Development, Nigeria)
  •        Lorena GAMARRA (Academic Consultant, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru)


Moderator: EOM Jeongmin (Head, Office of Research & Development, APCEIU)


(5 mins)

 [Closing] APCEIU

The Pre-Conference Webinar will be held on Zoom webinar platform and requires pre-registration. The pre-registration will be operated on first-come, first-served basis. Also the webinar will be also livestreamed on the YouTube channel of APCEIU (www.youtube.com/apceiu).

Link for pre-registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Jn2MfBObQKSA4l-Itk5PDQ