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Non-state Actors in Tertiary Education: A Shared Vision for Quality and Affordability? (Policy Paper 47)
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
Paris | 2022 | 15 p.
Publié sous la direction de: 


Non-state provision accounts for more than one third of tertiary education students worldwide, a considerably higher share than in primary or secondary education. Providers are diverse, respond to a variety of needs, and often blur the line between the state and non-state sectors. Non-state actors are also important players in the financing of tertiary education through households, market mechanisms and public–private partnerships. As a result, these actors play a significant role in influencing regulations and policymaking, and in shaping the tertiary system as a whole. Governments must ensure quality and equity, the key dimensions of Sustainable Development Goal target 4.3, regardless of how state and non-state actors share responsibilities.



Type de ressource: 
Instruments normatifs internationaux / documents politiques et de plaidoyer
Documents de recherche / articles de journaux
Instruction civique / citoyenneté / démocratie
Éducation aux médias et à l'information / citoyenneté numérique
Mondialisation et justice sociale / compréhension internationale
Diversité / alphabétisation culturelle / inclusive
Niveau d'éducation: 
Enseignement secondaire
Enseignement supérieur
Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
Enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels (EFTP)
Éducation non formelle