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Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development; Learn for Our Planet: Act for Sustainability
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Paris | 2022 | 5 p.
Corporate author: 

From 17 May to 19 May 2021 around 2800 people – politicians, business people, youth leaders, scientists, Non-governmental organizations, and many more - from 160 countries came together virtually at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) 2021. During the conference, they expressed their commitment to use the transformative power of education in order to address the global challenges we face. The Berlin Declaration was the main result of the conference.
The Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development is an important document that emphasizes the significance of ESD for each and every one of us. It identifies concrete challenges the global community is facing and calls for changes that are urgently needed in order to fully integrate and strengthen ESD in all educational contexts.


Resource Type: 
International normative instruments / policy and advocacy documents
Conference and programme reports
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Diversity / cultural literacy / inclusive
Sustainable development / sustainability
Level of education: 
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Lifelong learning
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Non-formal education
sustainable development
education for sustainable development