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The SCO’s Role in Countering Terrorism in Central Asian Countries (Post-Soviet Studies; Vol.5, No.8)
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Moscow | 2022 | p. 835-846
ISSN 2618-7426
Aiyyna K. Rumyantseva; Komron Kh. Rakhimov
Asia and the Pacific

Terrorism is one of the main threats to the security of humanity in the modern world. The intensification of the activities of the terrorist underground in the countries of Central Asia and the deterioration of the situation in Afghanistan raises the problem of terrorism to a new level and calls on the countries of this region to assist international and regional organizations in resolving this issue. Among the most actively developing interregional organizations in the Central Asian region is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The central goals of the SCO are directly related to countering and combating the "three evils": terrorism, separatism and extremism. The relevance of this paper relates to the growth of radicalization in the Central Asian region, as a result of which the proposed article analyzes the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in countering terrorism in the countries of the Central Asian region, examines the history of the origin and emergence of terrorism in this region, reveals in detail the key areas of the organization. In addition, the main adopted international legal documents on combating terrorism have been studied, on the basis of which the main stages of the development of cooperation between the member states of the organization for the implementation of anti-terrorist activities of the SCO are observed. Particularly successful cooperation in the fight against terrorism is noted in the conduct of joint anti-terrorist exercises within the framework of the organization's activities, and the activities of the SCO RATS are also considered in detail. The purpose of the article is to assess the potential of the SCO in terms of responding to new security challenges of the member states, primarily in the Central Asian region. To achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical and methodological analysis, descriptive method, and content analysis. The authors come to the conclusion that at the present stage the SCO is the most influential integration in the space of Central Asia. The organization's anti-terrorist activities show that this field is one of the most successful within the organization's work.

Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Preventing violent extremism / genocide
Level of education: 
Higher education
Non-formal education