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Exposition «La Voix des Yézidis: les survivants parlent»
Location of production | Year of production | Running time: 
Paris | 2022 |
Corporate author: 
Yahad - in Unum
Arab States
Yahad - in Unum

Comment Daech a perpétué un véritable génocide à l'encontre d’une minorité ethnique et religieuse d’Irak peu connue, les Yézidis? Cette exposition audiovisuelle interactive nous propose de remonter le fil de ce processus tragique à partir de janvier 2014. Les portraits et témoignages des jeunes victimes Yézidis sont à notre disposition afin de mieux comprendre leur histoire.


How did Daech perpetuate a real genocide against Iraq's little-known ethnic and religious minority, the Yezidis? This interactive audiovisual exhibition traces this tragic process from January 2014 onwards. Portrayals and testimonies of young Yezidi victims are available to help us better understand their story.

Resource Type: 
Multimedia materials
Diversity / cultural literacy / inclusive
Human rights
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Preventing violent extremism / genocide
Level of education: 
Secondary education
Higher education
Lifelong learning
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Non-formal education
human rights
Human Rights violations
International law
human security
International Politics
nongovernmental organizations