The storybook titled “Peace, the Best Way (Ngoan’a Khotso Ha a Lebale Tsa Khotso)” is an end-product of Workshop in Lesotho on GCED: Teacher Training on Peace Education & GCED Learning Material Development held between 12 and 14 of July 2017. During the workshop, participants created learning materials on peace and conflict transformation based on what they have learned throughout the sessions.
The authors share their stories of conflicts that they encounter in their everyday lives and further identify ways of managing and resolving the conflicts in a peaceful manner to let everyone live in harmony. They hope to instill the importance of peace not only to the adults reading the book, but also to the younger generation who learn from their parents and adults of the community.
The book published in English as well as Sesotho, will be used as teaching and learning resources for learners and also be disseminated to public locations including schools, community centers and libraries.
For more information on the Workshop, Please click here.