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A Whole School Approach: Involving the School Community in Reducing its Carbon Footprint
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
London | 2010 | 27 p.
Publié sous la direction de: 
Carbon Trust
Europe et Amérique du Nord

Reducing energy use has many advantages for schools – it saves money, reduces carbon emissions (helping to combat climate change), improves the learning environment and can enhance a school’s reputation.

To be really effective, the whole school must be involved in energy saving. This guide outlines an approach to energy management which involves pupils, teachers and other staff. By motivating staff and pupils through lessons, as well as providing practical advice on how to go about saving energy, a whole school approach to energy management can reduce the school’s carbon footprint and provide long-term benefits for the school, its people and the environment.

Type de ressource: 
Programmes d'études, matériel d'enseignement et d'apprentissage et guides
Documents de recherche / articles de journaux
Instruction civique / citoyenneté / démocratie
Développement durable / durabilité
Niveau d'éducation: 
Enseignement primaire
Enseignement secondaire