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The Contribution of Teachers to the Relevance of Basic Education in West Africa: The Case of Senegal
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Québec | 2016 | p. 787–805
ISSN 1916-0666 (numérique)
Thibaut Lauwerier
Corporate author: 
McGill Journal of Education

This paper seeks to understand the contribution of teachers to quality basic education in Senegal, with a particular focus on the concept of education “relevance.” After a detour looking at the characterization of the concepts of quality and relevance, we contextualize the situation of teachers in Senegal, then present the benefits of exploring the links between these concepts and the teacher issue. From a methodological point of view, the data mainly come from interviews and observations. It is clear from our analysis that, in general, teachers are not in a position to enable relevant education. However, the research highlights some factors that enhance relevance.

Resource Type: 
International normative instruments / policy and advocacy documents
Research papers / journal articles
Transformative initiatives / Transformative pedagogies
Level of education: 
Primary education