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Educational systems of Central Asian countries: challenges, risks and prospects for regional cooperation
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
| 2014 | 40 p.
Nikolay A. Medushevskiy and Alisa R. ShishkinaNikolay A. Medushevskiy and Alisa R. Shishkina Nikolay A. Medushevskiy and Alisa R. Shishkina Nikolay A. Medushevskiy; Alisa R. Shishkina
Asia and the Pacific
© Medushevskiy, Shishkina 2014


This article discusses the development of educational systems of Central Asian states after the collapse of the USSR and their independence. Each country has formed their own path of development of education - from orientation (sometimes not too thoughtful) on Western standards to a pronounced desire to limit external influence. The educational systems of the Central Asian countries need a serious reformation, aimed primarily at modernizing the technical base and textbooks, training modern personnel, introducing international mechanisms and standards.



Resource Type: 
Research papers / journal articles
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Preventing violent extremism / genocide
Level of education: 
Higher education