Entitled: A Teaching Resource Kit for Mountain Countries, it is a new environmental education kit similar to the Teaching Resource Kit for Dryland Countries published by UNESCO in 2008. It is based on the same innovative approach appealing to the creativity and artistic sensibility of pupils aged around 10 to 15, and is intended for secondary-school (and late primary-school) teachers and their pupils, this time living in mountain ecosystems, where climate and environmental conditions are harsh, often varying between extremes, and which are subject to the problems of erosion. As an educational tool, the kit offers a practical and attractive way of helping teachers and their pupils towards a better understanding of the environmental problems of their region and to stimulate their quest for possible solutions. In this respect, its content is a further contribution to the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution proclaiming 2002 the International Year of Mountains and is also consistent with the activities developed as part of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), the promotion of which is UNESCO’s responsibility.