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Global Framework for Refugee Education
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Geneva | 2019 | 57 p.
Corporate author: 
Global Refugee Forum Education Co-Sponsorship Alliance; UNHCR

This Global Framework for Refugee Education has been produced by the Global Refugee Forum’s Education Co-Sponsorship Alliance, comprising more than 60 partners. It aims to help partners to translate the Global Compact on Refugees and the Refugee Education 2030: A Strategy for Refugee Inclusion into pledges for concrete action to help achieve inclusive and equitable quality education for all by 2030.


Resource Type: 
Conference and programme reports
Globalisation and social justice / International understanding
Diversity / cultural literacy / inclusive
Sustainable development / sustainability
Level of education: 
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Lifelong learning
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)