This seminar aims to analyze, from the perspective of Education in Emergency Situations, the key aspects that school communities would have to consider in order to strengthen resilience and return to classes in a healthy, safe and pedagogically renewed way. It seeks to strengthen the educational leadership of the Public Secretry of Education (SEP for its acronim in Spanish) and contribute to the protection of children and youth, in the Framework for the Reopening of Schools proposed by the World Coalition for Education.
The online seminar, consisting of seven modules, is a joint initiative of UNESCO and UNICEF in Mexico, of the Ministry of Public Education, the World Bank, the Alberto Bailléres Foundation and the SM Foundation.
The seminar aims to generate and disseminate relevant knowledge and evidence to help different actors of the national educational system act in a pertinent and timely manner against the risks and consequences that the pandemic has brought to educational centers, and to develop greater tools to guarantee the right to education for all students, even in complex conditions such as those that we live today on a planetary level.
Through dialogue and discussion activities, it is intended to:
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Contact: Rosa Wolpert (r.wolpert@unesco.org)