UNESCO is organizing under the high patronage of Princess Laurentien a webinar on the topic of “Ensuring the quality of learning and wellbeing for young children in the context of the COVID-19” in order to further mobilize global and country policymakers, ECE practitioners and partners in pursuit of concrete action for ensuring quality education and wellbeing for young children during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Several ministers and partners around the world will participate.
The early years constitute a critical stage of rapid brain development that lays the foundation for health, wellbeing and productivity throughout life. In the COVID-19 context, young children are deprived of appropriate care, wellbeing and learning opportunities due to intense and prolonged closure of ECE centres. Based on the latest UNESCO available data, over 18.6 million pre-primary teachers in 48 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and 4.4 million pre-primary teachers (85 percent of whom are women) in 24 countries in the Asia-Pacific region are under more pressure than ever to handle unprecedented challenges, stress and disruptions resulting from the pandemic.
Several webinars have been organized and resources developed and shared by UNESCO, UNICEF, WB, and ECD regional and global networks such ECDAN and ARNEC. UNESCO is organizing under the high patronage of Princess Laurentien a webinar on the topic of “Ensuring the quality of learning and wellbeing for young children in the context of the COVID-19 in order to further mobilize global and country policymakers, ECE practitioners and partners in pursuit of concrete action for ensuring quality education and wellbeing for young children during and in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The webinar objectives are to:
The thematic aspects to be addressed at the webinar include, but are not limited to:
Rokhaya Diawara( r.diawara@unesco.org )